Short Course: Programming for Engineers |
Part I: Fundamentals of Programming
Lesson 1 |
Fundamentals of Programming: Introduction to Computers & Programming, Programming in Engineering Problem Solving Program Development: Algorithm + Flowchart + Pseudocode |
Lesson 2 |
C Fundamentals:
identifiers & keywords, data types, constants, variables & arrays, declarations, expressions, statements, symbolic constants Operators and Expressions: arithmetic, unary, relational, logical & assignment operators, library functions |
Lesson 3 |
Data Input and Output:
getchar/putchar, scanf/printf, gets/puts Preparing and Running a Complete C Program |
Lesson 4 |
Control Statements: Branching with if-else, looping with while and do-while Control Statements: Looping with for, nested control structures, switch, break, continue & goto statements |
Lesson 5 |
Functions: Definition, calling a function, function prototypes, passing arguments to function, recursion Arrays: Definition, processing arrays, passing arrays to functions, multidimensional arrays, arrays & strings Data File |
Lesson 6 |
Programming Project 1 (Using C) |
Lesson 7 |
An Overview of Octave/Matlab Numeric, Cell and Structured Arrays |
Lesson 8 |
Functions and Files |
Lesson 9 |
Programming with Octave/Matlab Preparing and Running a Complete Octave/Matlab Program |
Lesson 10 |
Plotting: 2-D, Contour and Surface Plotting Simple Animation and Movie-making |
Lesson 11 |
Programming Project 2 (Using Octave) |