OpenFOAM (Open Field Operation And Manipulation) is a C++ toolbox for the customisation and extension of numerical solvers for continuum mechanics problems, mainly CFD. Standard Solvers include: basic CFD, incompressible flows, compressible flows, multiphase flows, particle-tracking flows, combustion, heat transfer, molecular dynamics, direct simulation Monte Carlo, electromagnetics, solid dynamics, etc.
Mohd Hazmil Syahidy Abdol Azis. ‘A Brief Introduction to OpenFOAM’. OSCAE.Initiative, February 2022.
Bahram Haddadi, Christian Jordan, and Michael Harasek, eds. OpenFOAM® Basic Training | TU Wien. 5th ed., 2019.
Maric, Tomislav, Kyle Mooney, and Jens Höpken. The OpenFOAM Technology Primer (Version V2012), 2021.
Nilsson, Håkan. ‘PhD Course in CFD with OpenSource Software, Chalmers University of Technology’, 2022.
The OpenFOAM Workshops: the longest running conference (since 2006) on CFD with foam-extend and OpenFOAM®.
‘OpenFOAM Wiki’.
This wiki is sponsored and managed by and members of the OpenFOAM community.
‘Unofficial OpenFOAM Wiki’.
This Wiki collects information about the OpenSource CFD toolbox OpenFOAM and provides a platform for collaborations
‘OpenFOAM – CFD Online Discussion Forums’.
Yao, Hua-Dong. ‘Simulation of Fluid-Structural Interaction Using OpenFOAM’. Department of Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology, 15 September 2014.