====== (Preliminary) Guide on contributions to the wiki ====== **[draft] Preliminary guide on contributions to the wiki** - **Content**: Although ideal, __copying excellent external content (from the internet in general, or contributors' own websites) may not be necessary__. Links to relevant external content (or indicate which contents are obsolete) can already be good enough. Consider writing some 'wrapper' (simplifications, summary, and/or comments) regarding the external links. - **Prioritise** __on adding content (pages/files) so that it can be published and shared as quickly as possible__. Organisation of the content and the appearance can be incrementally implemented as an afterthought. The used wiki framework (Dokuwiki) automatically adapts the internal links when the contents (pages/files) internal to the wiki are relocated/renamed, therefore avoid broken links due to the reorganisation/renaming operations. Expect that some content (tips, workarounds, specifics to software version, ...) can quickly become obsolete and need updates before they can become 'fully complete'. - __**Link** as much as possible towards existing internal pages/files when applicable__. Several topics may make reference to the same existing content. Non-linear and circular references are common. - Due to limited storage size on the temporary and possible issues with copyrighted materials, __**file upload** should be avoided for now__. __It is encouraged to provide links to cloud file/video hosting__. Google Drive, Dropbox, and mega.nz, for example, are suitable for the hosting and linking general files, where the generated links are permanent ((although renamed and relocated within the hosting space)). Videos can be stored as unlisted Youtube videos (accessible only via URL). - Other aspects? Please let us know additional aspects to consider in the discussion section below or by other means. Many more will become clear, which highly dependent on how the wiki grows. ~~DISCUSSIONS~~