====== Why use wiki? ====== //((Hazmil: Based on my discussion with some other group. This description is very basic at the moment. There are many exciting and useful ways to use this wiki platform and I will expand on this, and others can add through directly editing the text or through the comment.)) // - What is wiki? - "A wiki is a hypertext publication collaboratively edited and managed by its own audience directly using a web browser." - We don't have to really worry about the hierarchy and structure of the content. Everyone (with privilege) can just continously add/edit information, reorganise, and relate different pages or piece of contents via hyperlinks. - Why use wiki? - Knowledge base for incrementally build up our collective capability where every privileged members can contribute, for seamless collaboration (a hive mind). - Knowing current collective knowledge/capability/expertise of the members, new projects (FYP, Master, PhD) can be designed to fill-in the identified gap or explore interesting topics/tools, building up on existing knowledge of the group. - **Wiki greatly support the use of open-source tools.** - Members which directly work on a certain topics will store exact configuration to run a certain problem (the version of softwares, config files, etc), complete to reproduce results, including data analysis routines. - This is important as a workflow of computational mechanics using open source tools usually use those developed by different group therefore compatibility with specific versions can arise. - Computational packages are quickly evolving, therefore it is encouraged that the person working with specific tools to continously document a working or improved workflows for other members to keep updated with recent changes. - Ideally, for long term usability, the set of tools including its software environment used for a certain project should be containerised, and a properly organised wiki with a group of maintainers can ensure that the setup is always reachable. - Privacy? - Groups can be created with specified read-only/edit privileges to certain pages. For example, top level admin can read/edit all pages. A group of undergraduate students working on a very specific industrial problem will be added to a sub-group where they can only see pages relevant for their projects. - Wiki vs github - github more on source code for a software, and documentation around it. Whereas wiki is for more general contents. - large media storage? - can embed files from other host e.g. Youtube, Facebook, Google Drive. - wiki server will only store text and formatting to save space to keep load on the server low. ~~DISCUSSION~~ ---- ----