====== Code_Aster ====== > Code_Aster offers a full range of multiphysical analysis and modelling methods that go well beyond the standard functions of a thermomechanical calculation code: from seismic analysis to porous media via acoustics, fatigue, stochastic dynamics, etc. Its modelling, algorithms and solvers are constantly under construction to improve and complete them (1,200,000 lines of code, 200 operators). Resolutely open, it is linked, coupled and encapsulated in numerous ways. Features are well described in the [[ https://www.code-aster.org/UPLOAD/DOC/Presentation/plaquette_aster_en.pdf |official presentation booklet]]. ===== Quick links ===== [[https://code-aster.org/|Official website]] | [[oscae:software:code_aster:doc_official:translation|Documentation]] ===== Learn ===== **[[oscae:software:code_aster:learn_guide|Guide to learn Code_Aster]]** ==== Book ==== [[oscae:books:jp_aubry_beginning_code_aster_v2_1_2|Beginning with code aster (v2.1.2)]] by JP Aubry.(( Hazmil: The latest version of tools (Code_Aster, gmsh) may not be compatible with those describe in this book.\\ Study and describe a compatible version and installation. )) ==== Videos ==== * Training [[http://oscae.org/?%26%23x25B8%3B_Salome_MECA|videos]] for using Code_Aster as part of **Salome Meca 2015.1**, covering integrated pre-processing tasks as well (CAD, meshing). ==== Documentation ==== Official documentation is written in French. [[https://www.code-aster.org/V2/spip.php?rubrique19|English translation of the documentation]] is available, however the machine translation used is hardly readable and often misleading((Commands in French are translated as well, resulting in an error during run.)). Fortunately, English translation of the documentation **using Google Translate is surprisingly quite readable**((some manual adjustment of the translation are still required)) and is suggested for reading.\\ The official and Google translated documents are available [[oscae:software:code_aster:doc_official:translation|here]](( Essential documents for learning have been translated, others will follows)).