~~NOTOC~~ {{ logo00.png |}} This wiki site is for collaborative knowledge sharing and management for OSCAE.Initiative. Current focus is to facilitate the use of open source computational tools in addressing engineering problems with extensive details and continuously updated resources. Feel free to contribute.(( Discuss relevant changes to this main page [[:start:discussion|here]]. )) [[http://oscae.org/ | Homepage]] | [[http://oscae.org/content/oscae/OSCAE.Initiative.MVS.pdf | Statements of Mission & Vision]] | [[http://oscae.org/content/research/OSCAE.Initiative.Lab.at.UTM02.pdf | Started@UTM]] | [[oscae:other:national.ir4| National 4IR policy]] | [[https://bssw.io/ | Better Scientific Software]] [[oscae:guide:whywiki|Why use wiki?]] /* Hazmil: this is put on top at the moment for members to quickly familiarise for working with this platform.))*/ | /* [[user:guide:use_cases |Example of use cases.]] | */ [[oscae:guide:contributions_tips| Guide to contributions]] | [[oscae:guide:wiki-basics|Editing Dokuwiki pages]] ----------------------------------- ===== Areas of interest ===== This [[oscae:aoi|page]] describes the current areas of interest of OSCAE.Initiative. ===== Software ===== [[oscae:software:openfoam|OpenFOAM]] | [[oscae:software:code_aster|Code_Aster]] | [[oscae:software:start|More...]] More on software packages for CAE including their usage, applications, etc [[oscae:software:start|here]]. --------------------------------------- ===== Applications ====== [[oscae:applications:start|Browse by applications]] ===== Subjects ====== [[oscae:subject:start|Browse by Subjects]] ---------------------- ===== Courses ===== [[http://oscae.org/?Colloquia_%26_Courses | Workshops & Courses.]] ===== People ===== [[oscae:people:start|Peoples]] of OSCAE.Initiative and those indexed in this Wiki. ---------------------------------- ===== News ===== [[oscae:news:start|Link]] to news. **[[oscae:services:start|Services]]** **[[oscae:other|Other]]**