Table of Contents

Resistance and powering of ships

Displacement hull

Najihah, Ummu Saiyidah, Abu Hasan Abdullah, and Nasrudin Haji Ismail. ‘Ship Modelling and Analysis Using Open Source Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Part 2 : Resistance Prediction of Passenger Ship Hull Form Model Using OpenFOAM’. Jurnal Mekanikal, 1 September 2021, 38–48.

Zainudin, Ummu Saiyidah Najihah, and Abu Hasan Abdullah. ‘Open Source CAE for Ship Design and Analysis -- Introduction to OpenFOAM’, December 2019.

Maki, Kevin. ‘Ship Resistance Simulations with OpenFOAM’. Presented at the 6th OpenFOAM Workshop, The Pennsylvania State University State College, PA, USA, 13 June 2011.

Planing hull

Prediction of Resistance of a planing hull using OpenFOAM