Table of Contents



Workflow & Tools 1)

Tools for Engineers

2. CAD

FreeCAD | Blender | Freeship Plus

3. Computational mechanics

3.1 Meshing

Gmsh | cfMesh | Smesh | …

3.2 Solver

3.2.1 Fluid flow, heat and mass transfer

Open source: OpenFOAM | Code_Saturne | …

Proprietary: ANSYS/CFX | ANSYS/Fluent | …

3.2.2 Solid mechanics

Open source: code_aster | z88 | FreeFEM | …

Proprietary: Abaqus | …

3.3 Post-processing

Paraview | Visit

4. Instrumentation & Control

raspberrypi | arduino | openmodelica

5. Computing platform

5.1 Linux

Windows to Linux Migration: Tips & Options, Dr. Abu Hasan Abdullah, January 2014, Content: Decision; what is linux?; Linux's Strength; Migration Tips; Options?

Incremental steps to migrate from Windows to Linux as your main OS (or to settle in between)

5.1.1 Introduction

Introduction to Linux CLI (Command Line Interface)

Introduction to Linux GUI (Graphical User Interface) via Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS

5.1.2 Distribution

Ubuntu MATE

6. Development tools

6.1 Programming languages

Python | Octave | Matlab (proprietary)

C | C++ | fortran

6.2 Numerical libraries

petsc | blaslapack | mpich | petsc

6.3 Data format

