Table of Contents

By Subject

1. Continuum Mechanics

1.1 Solid mechanics

1.2 Fluid mechanics

Computational Fluid Dynamics

1.3 Heat transfer

1.4 Multi-physics

1.4.1 Fluid-structure interactions


2. Mechanical Engineering

Abu Hasan, Abdullah. ‘Mechanical Engineering: An Etymology’. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, September 2017.

3. Instrumentation and Control

4. Computing and software

Engineering Computing Linux Cluster: Parallel Computing – An Overview, Dr. Abu Hasan Abdullah, December 2019.

Virtual School on Numerical Methods for Parallel CFD, Cineca Academy.

5. Numerical method

Finite Element | Finite Volume | …

6. Knowledge management

6.1 Scientific method

Abu Hasan, Abdullah. ‘Scientific Method for Engineers: An Introduction’. Mechanics of Fluids & Engineering Computing, School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, September 2018.
