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[22:09, 07/12/2020] Dr. Abu Hasan Abdullah FKM UTM: It is a truly 3D parametric modeller i.e. it has the ability to change shape of model geometry as dimensions are modified.
This is a bonus, time-saving feature for exploratory type CAE simulations when engineers are optimizing the shape and size of their physical models. [22:10, 07/12/2020] Dr. Abu Hasan Abdullah FKM UTM: For a typical CAE worklow, FreeCAD is designed and built to be easily integrated with the grid & mesh generators such as Salome, for which I hope to have posted enough materials to get many of your students started, and gmsh
[22:11, 07/12/2020] Dr. Abu Hasan Abdullah FKM UTM: Of late FreeCAD has been successfully integrated into an IoT-capable 3D printing software/hardware system, see …
[22:11, 07/12/2020] Dr. Abu Hasan Abdullah FKM UTM:
[22:11, 07/12/2020] Dr. Abu Hasan Abdullah FKM UTM: