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Open Source Computer Aided Engineering Initiative (OSCAE.Initiative) is an open-source software advocacy working to increase the awareness and improve the perception of open source software capability for use in solving engineering problems.

It adopts the Open Source Definition (OSD) used by the Open Source Initiative and is devoted to technical aid of free and open-source software for Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) as a whole.

As most open source computer-aided engineering software packages are implemented to run on average desktop computers right up to the high-end engineeing workstation clusters, OSCAE.Initiative has the critical goal of encouraging widespread adoption of OSCAE software technology as cost-effective and royalty-free engineering problem-solving tools. To this end, it plays the role of a special interest group, with a national scope, formed to

  • educate about, and
  • advocate for the benefits of
OSCAE software and hardware.

Scope of Activities

Currently we are active in:

  • developing and making OSCAE tools easily available,
  • providing hands-on workshops and courses on OSCAE tools and hardware, and
  • providing a conducive educational, research and practical CAE environment where “birds of a feather flock together”.


Please contact OSCAE.Initiative if you are interested in having us help you develop working computing environment, conduct educational conferences, programs, courses of instruction, and/or seminars relating to Open Source CAE software. We can be contacted at our mailing address:

     Marine Technology Centre
     Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
     81310 UTM Skudai

     email: oscae .at. protonmail .dot. com

Quick Links

Statements of Mission & Vision
Started @ UTM | Laboratories

Note: Subject to restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic!

Colloquia 2021

Short Courses 2021

▸   Mechanical Engineering
▸   Scientific Method for Engineers
▸   Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)
     The national policy on Industry 4.0 2018.
email: oscae .at. protonmail .dot. com
Note: Subject to restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic!

Colloquia 2021

Short Courses 2021

▸   Mechanical Engineering
▸   Scientific Method for Engineers
▸   Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)
     The national policy on Industry 4.0 2018.
email: oscae .at. protonmail .dot. com