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Colloquia & Courses
Colloquia |
Colloquium: Open Source CAE
» Flyer
1. Terms & Things to Know Before Jumping on the Bandwagon
2. OSCAE Tools for Engineers
3. Windows to Linux Migration
Workshops |
Workshop: Introduction to Linux
» Flyer
1. Introduction to Linux Command Line Interface
2. Introduction to Linux Graphic User Interface
Workshop: Starting OpenFOAM on Linux
» Flyer
1. Starting OpenFOAM on Linux
Workshop: Octave for Experimental Data Analysis
» Flyer
0. Octave for Experimental Data Analysis
1. Simple 2D plot: page027a.m
2. Error bars: page027b.m | page027c.m | page027d.m
3. Common graphs: page034a.m | page034b.m | page034c.m
4. Multiplot: page035a.m | page035b.m
5. Stats commands: page078a.m | page078b.m | page078c.m
6. Std dev & error: page055a.m
7. Bar graph: page055b.m
8. Std errors compared: page084a.m | page084b.m
9. Polynomial Curve Fitting: polycurvefit.m
Workshop: Raspberry Pi for Newbies 1
» Flyer
1. Raspberry Pi for Noobs
Workshop: Raspberry Pi for Newbies 2
» Flyer
1. Raspberry Pi for Newbies | Newbie Introduction | Getting Started
2. Raspberry Pi 3 for Scientific Computing
3. Sonoma Lab Raspberry Pi 3
3. Raspberry Pi Comparison Chart
Workshop: Implementing Elements of 4IR in Core Courses of MechE Using Octave
1. Octave/Matlab Tutorial - Kai Arras, Uni Freiburg
2. Introduction to Octave - P.J.G. Long, University of Cambridge
3. Statistics With Matlab/Octave - Andreas Stahel, Bern University
Short Courses |
Short Course: OSCAE.Initiative Linux Distro
This is an OSCAE.Initiative's very own Linux distribution based on the Ubuntu MATE.
It integrates many stable, popular CAE tools to deliver a relatively comprehensive CAE computing environement.
» Introduction to Linux: Command Line Interface
» Introduction to Linux: Graphic User Interface
» Parallel Computing: An Overview
Short Course: Introduction to Open Source Ship Design Tools
» Open Source CAE for Ship Design & Analysis: FreeShip
» Open Source CAE for Ship Design & Analysis: OpenFOAM
» Open Source Design & Analysis Tools (Windows):
▸ FreeShip Plus & manual
▸ Michlet & manual
▸ OpenFOAM & how to install video | Visit blueCFD